Folta Spring Minis

If two sweet little girls weren't already cute enough, let's through in a fluffy bunny to make it even more dreamy!

Christy Folta is a dear homeschooling friend of mine, and is such a huge component for how spring minis came together this year: with the addition of her precious bunny Clarence! Christy and her family adopted Clarence last year as a "clearance bunny" (hence the name, Clarence!) at a farmers market. Unsure of Clarence's temperament or background, the Folta family took a chance on this furball, and what a prize they found! Clarence is the absolute sweetest, and may even have me and my kids wishing for our own little bunny!

As Clarence made his modeling debut for Easter minis this year, Christy's girls tagged along for some fun of their own. These two absolutely adore their bunny and had so much fun playing and cuddling Clarence at their own session. Enjoy these three cuties!