Megan + Austin

The "sweetest" wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Sweet took place this past weekend, and I've been dying to share some of their photos with the world!

There really isn't much truer than the fact that firefighting isn't a career, it's a family. Throughout the years as Dalton has served as a fireman, I've seen this proven true so many times! A deep brotherhood is formed that looks out for each other, helps each other when they are in need, and comes along for all of lives up and downs. And this weekend, they came together for a true celebration as one of their own firemen tied the knot!

Austin and Megan have been dating since high school, so in many ways they truly have grown up together! They love fishing and being outdoors, so it only made sense to host their wedding the the Wallace Lodge in Wagram, right on the water front. In fact, the couple even went fishing with their friends and family during the reception! March truly smiled on us with a beautiful early-spring day.

Congratulation, Austin and Megan Sweet!